Ober Äschhorn 3668m


from Zermatt church via Trift and Rothornhütte


Probably none of the mountaineers will know this relatively easily accessible peak close to Zermatt. They all go for Zinalrothorn or Obergabelhorn, the main attraction of the Rothorn hut. But with choosing the right time for this skyrun (better earlier than too late in the season) you'll find another pearl around Zermatt's mountain paradise. For introducing people to higher mountains or just for the pleasure of being in the mountains itself, Ober and Unter Äschhorn give you the playground you want: an easy glacier, some scrambling up the summit, breathtaking view, a dusty fun downhill down the moraine and two possibilities (Rothorn hut and Berggasthaus Trift) to refresh and take a break. Two peaks with one effort, varied and satisfying. 


If you like to read more about this route, look at my blog (in German only)




Ober Äschhorn 3668m und Unter Äschhorn 3617m


from Zermatt church via Trift, Rothorn hut and Unter Äschjoch

  • 22km, 2150Hm
  • mountaineering grade: L (easy glacier, easy scrambling)
  • better early in season, we took glacier travel gear and Snowline Chainsen light "crampons" due to some crevasses and a small part with already snow-free glacier
  • Zermatt - Ober Äschhorn 4h20min (inkl. breaks)

Patricia Neuhauser


Sportwissenschaftlerin, MSc

Präsidentin Verein trail-maniacs

Online-Autorin SAC Tourenportal

Autorin Trailrunning Guidebook


Hondrichstrasse 17c

3703 Aeschi b. Spiez





+41 79 159 86 95


Trailrunning Verein 




